What is Port Stealing?
Cyber security is the security of the web and related services related to the web. Cyber security is the way to prevent many cyber attacks from taking place. Cyber security ensures that awareness of the cyber-attacks along with the different forms of cyber attacks are well-known to people so that they can prevent the cyber attacks from taking place. Cyber security also makes the computer network users aware of the norms they must follow if they ever get stuck in any kind of cyber attack so that the users can deal with the cyber attack efficiently. The different types of cyber-attacks that cybercriminals adopt are dependent on the vulnerability of the computer network they want to target. It thus becomes important to know about the cyber attacks, the mechanism involved while executing cyber attacks, their types, and preventive ways behind the cyber attacks....
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How to Protect Against SQL Injection Attacks?
SQL Injection, often known as SQLI, is a typical attack vector that employs malicious SQL code to manipulate Backend databases in order to obtain information that was not intended to be shown. This information might contain sensitive corporate data, user lists, or confidential consumer information....
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What is a Logic Bomb?
In today’s world, cybеr thrеats havе bеcomе an еvеr-incrеasing problеm. Onе such thrеat is thе logic bomb, which is a typе of malwarе that is used to carry out an attack on a computеr systеm. In this article, we will еxplain what a logic bomb is, how it works, its impact on computеr systеms, and thе ways to prеvеnt it....
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What is Packet Colourization in Wireshark?
Packet colorization in Wireshark is a feature for Visually Distinguishing between different types of packets, By this packet colorization feature we can identify packet data in some specific color based on packet property. Wireshark has a packet colorization scheme by Default but if we want to change this scheme based on our priority, then we can change this color scheme. This is usually helpful in Broad area networks where a high volume of data is captured. In this situation, Packet colorization makes it easy to identify and understand the traffic data in capture and in very less time.  Packet colorization can also be customized for highlight packets based on different criteria, such as source or destination IP address, a protocol like TCP, or ARP, or the presence of specific fields in the captured packet....
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Fast Flux and Advanced Fast Flux in Cyber Security
Fast flux is a DNS technique used by botnets to phishing and malware delivery sites behind an ever-changing network of compromised hosts acting as proxies. It can also be referred to as peer-to-peer networking, distributed command and control, web-based load, and balancing proxy redirection used to make malware networks more resistant to delivery and countermeasures. The Storm Worm is the most recent malware variant to make use of this technique....
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Mitigation of DHCP Starvation Attack
In a DHCP starvation attack, an attacker creates spoofed DHCP requests with the goal of consuming all available IP addresses that a DHCP server can allocate. This attack targets DHCP servers. The attack could deny service to authorized network users. In other words, a malicious cyberattack that targets DHCP servers is known as a starvation attack. An adversarial actor bombards a DHCP server with false DISCOVER packets during a DHCP assault until the service runs out of IP addresses. Once that occurs, the attacker can refuse service to authorized network users or even provide a different DHCP connection that can result in a Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack....
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IPv6 Scanning
Pre-requisites: IPv6...
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How Does Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Work?
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security system that requires two distinct forms of identification in order to access something. Two-factor authentication can be used to strengthen the security of an online account, a smartphone, or even a door. 2FA does this by requiring two types of information from the user a password or personal identification number (PIN), a code sent to the user’s smartphone, or a fingerprint before whatever is being secured can be accessed....
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Virus Hoax
Virus hoaxes are warning messages of viruses that are distributed via pop-ups, emails, and spam messages, the main objective of the virus hoax is to create fear and doubts in the user’s mind. When the user panics, they usually fall into the trap of a virus hoax and get infected with phishing or ransomware attacks....
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What is NTP Enumeration?
NTP Enumeration is a process by which an attacker can discover NTP servers on the network. This information can then be used to find vulnerable NTP servers, or simply to further enumerate the network. Servers that are allowed access from the internet usually have a much higher chance of being exploitable. An attacker will often use both DNS and brute force methods to find these servers, as well as using Shodan.io or Censys to find unprotected devices....
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Packet Reassembly in Wireshark
Wireshark displays all packets in their original order. This means that packets are displayed in their original order from source to destination without changing this order. This also applies to any filters applied to the display area since these will be applied after reconstruction has been completed and will move packets around for display purposes. Saving all the packets first ensures that none of them are lost during reconstruction and that users can view all the information contained within each packet accurately. This also helps ensure there are no errors caused by missing or incorrectly interpreted information contained in packets later on during analysis....
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What is ANSI?
ANSI can refer to the American National Standards Institute. The term also refers to a protocol for encoding data that many Unix-operating systems and telecommunications devices use, and a set of standards that govern how computers and other devices should display certain documents. In ethical hacking, the abbreviation may refer to text formatting standards used by Wireshark, which is a network traffic analyzer....
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